• icopen@youngac.cn
  • +86-13688349945
  • Secretary: Dawn Luo

Student Competition


The BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION AWARD and BEST STUDENT POSTER AWARD of icOPEN recognizes and encourages excellence in graduate studies in the field of optics and photonics. Presentations and posters will be shortlisted based on reviewer scores. First prizes to third prizes of BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION AWARD and BEST STUDENT POSTER AWARD competition will be $300, $200, and $100 USD, respectively. All finalists (top 5 for each group) will receive certificates commemorating their achievement. The prizes and certificates will be presented at the conference banquet.

Abstract will be first shortlisted based on reviewer scores. For BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION AWARD competition. Eligible applicants will present their work at a special oral session during the conference. The judging committee will make a decision on the award of prizes based on the reviewers’ comments and scores, their own reading of the extended abstracts and the students’ presentations at the special session, including student responses to questions from the audience. For BEST STUDENT POSTER AWARD competition. The posters of eligible applicants will be judged by the award committee based on the content, the quality of the visual display of information, and the ability of the student to successfully and succinctly present the subject matter in the poster.


Yunchao TANG, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, China

Jiasong SUN, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China


• The nominee must be a full time student, including undergraduates and graduate students (Master or Phd candidates). Postdoctoral fellows or non-students are not eligible.

• The student's area of research may either be theoretical or experimental in any of the general technical and scientific areas normally presented as part of the Conference.

• The student's regularly submitted abstract must have been accepted for presentation through the normal abstract review process by the Conference Program Committee as an oral/poster presentation, and the student must present the work (oral or poster) at the Conference.

Application Procedure

To nominate yourself for a BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION AWARDS follow the instructions below:

1. You must submit an abstract to the Conference according to the standard submission guidelines and deadlines as outlined under Abstract Submissions. Login the system by clicking here (http://www.icopen.net/sub.html)DO NOT identify the abstract as part of the student award competition in the text of the abstract.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the correct option from the drop-down menu

3. Select the option "BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION/POST AWARD competition" below the abstract text box in the webpage of the submission system.

4. It should be noted that if you choose ORAL PRESENTATION during abstract submission, you will attend the BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION AWARD competition. Otherwise, if you choose POSTER PRESENTATION during abstract submission, you will attend the BEST STUDENT POSTER AWARD competition.

5. You must also submit an extended 2-page abstract of your presentation plus a short (around 500 words) explanation of their contribution to the work described and its significance (can include figures and tables) after your short abstract was accepted. Once you recieved the notification, you may send the extended abstract to Conference Awards Chair sunjiasong@njust.edu.cn The award committee will receive your submission and notify you the review result after evaluating all the submissions.

Process Summary

1. Complete the online abstract submission and by Aug. 01, 2024;

2. Click "BEST STUDENT PRESENTATION/POST AWARD competition" during abstract submission;

3. After the short abstract has been accepted. Please submit an extended 2-page abstract of your presentation via Conference Awards Chair sunjiasong@njust.edu.cn The deadline will be Nov. 01, 2024

4. Receive Guidelines for your oral presentation or posters after being chosen and approved after the abstract review;

5. Present your work at the icOPEN 2024;

Questions? Contact us at sunjiasong@njust.edu.cn