• icopen@youngac.cn
  • +86-13688349945
  • Secretary: Dawn Luo

Special Session

Call for Special Session

Special sessions complement the regular technical program by highlighting new and emerging research topics or innovative applications of established approaches. The topic of a special session proposal should be timely and compelling. Special sessions' topics can cover any area related to optical and photonic engineering focusing on challenging open problems of relevance in applications.

Please submit proposals by email to the Conference Chair Prof. Chao ZUO (email: zuochao@njust.edu.cn), with copy to conference secretary general Mr. Yutao ZHANG (email: zyutao@opssg.org.cn). Proposal should include the following information:

1. Title and abstract: Propose a title and a brief abstract of no more than approximately 100 words that will allow conference attendees to understand the topic and the focus of the special session.

2. Special session chairs:Please provide the information of the special session chairs (1 to 2 people usually). The session chairs will help to organize the special session and host the session during the conference.

3. Proposed speakers: One session usually lasts around 2 hours which contains 2-4 invited talks (20 mins per presentation) and normal presentations (15 mins per presentation). Please provide a list of invited speakers including names, affiliations and emails. If it is not ready yet, you may provide the speaker list later.

The submitted proposal will be reviewed for relevance and significance. Please submit the proposal before 1st April, 2024. Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be provided before 7th April, 2024.

Please note that all papers for approved Special Sessions have to be submitted and reviewed as the same schedule and procedure as regular papers. Special Session chairs will be involved in the reviewer assignment and in the final decisions. The accepted papers will be incorporated into the conference proceedings.